REALPeople REELStories®

Consumer Insights Division of The REELPeople Company®, LLC.

REALPeople REELStories® researches, locates, screens, and
interviews real people, our client's ACTUAL CONSUMERS.

ÿþ <!-- about.htm --> <div class="container"> <div class="row"> <span class="span12"> <h2>About REALPeopleREELStories &reg;</h2> <hr> </span> </div> <div class="row"> <span class="span6"> <h3>KRISTI COMUZZI - Creative Director / Interviewer / Dialogue Director</h3> <p><img src="inc/img/kristi-headshot.jpg" class="thumbnail pull-left" />KRISTI COMUZZI, Owner and Creative Director of The REELPeople Company &reg; is a veteran of the Consumer Marketing industry. After obtaining her Master Degree from the University of Texas at Austin in Marketing and Advertising, Kristi spent a number of years on Madison Avenue at Young & Rubicam working on a wide variety of brands for Kraft, Warner Lambert, PBS, Advil, and AT&T International. For over a decade, she has been the Owner and Chief Creative Director for The REELPeople Company &reg;.</p> <p>Under the umbrella of The REELPeople Company &reg;, The REALPeople REELStories &reg; division specializes in Consumer Insights, Market Research, Real People Consumer Projects. Since 1997, Kristi has been conducting qualitative consumer insights interviews for a wide range of Fortune 500 company brands. She has interviewed countless thousands of folks for consumer products and services ranging from skincare to theme parks, cereal, soap, wireless phones, toothpaste, financial services, luxury cars, deodorant, pharmaceuticals, healthcare, and so much more! </p> <p>REALPeopleREELStories &reg; specializes in developing In Depth Consumer Insight Projects, Focus Groups, Ethnographies ("Day in The Life" docu-videos) and Product Trials for both new and existing brands to help Fortune 500 Client's better understand their consumer.</p> <h3>REALPeopleREELStories RECRUIT TEAM</h3> <p>REALPeopleREELStories works with a great team of folks and has real people recruiters across the United States.</p> <p>A number of our recruiters have been in the real people recruiting and market research business for over 20 years. Our recruit team is unsurpassed in their ability to wrangle real people - in most major (and a few minor!) markets across the U.S. - Our client's have commented that our recruit teams are "true marvels- with the ability to talk with and engage absolutely anyone"!</p> </span> <span class="span6"> <h3>THE RECRUIT PROCESS - "How do they find those great Real People?"</h3> <p>Of course every Real People project is different and unique. Once we are contacted about a project, we spend a great deal of time working with the Client Team in order to develop a customized, comprehensive, thorough proposal with a project design that best addresses their specific needs.</p> <p>Once awarded a project, the Real People Recruit team begins the recruit process - recruiting the actual consumers who fit the client's requirements to a "T." REALPeopleREELStories &reg; excels at the "Hand picked / Hand selected recruit," as opposed to recruiting from an outdated impersonal database. Time and again, we have been able to keep costs down and expectations high by recruiting with this method - it increases quality without the waste of time and money on sheer quantity.</p> <h3>Our "REALPeople" NETWORK</h3> <p>REALPeopleREELStories proprietary network of "real people" has been developed and maintained for well over a decade. Having worked on a wide variety of projects throughout the years, we have developed extensive real people recruiting networks in most major cities across the U.S. Given the nature of many real people projects - where we have been asked to find not just real people who use a particular product / service, but to find real people who have unique or interesting attributes, abilities, hobbies, skills/careers - we have amassed quite a pool of VERY interesting real people! We have found Mom's of "multiples," Talented Teens, Female Bee Keepers, People who look like their pets, Active seniors doing Extreme sports, Lady Lion Tamers... <em>And so much more!</em></p> </span> </div </div> <!-- /container --> <!-- /about.htm -->